Moving Day!

I’ve felt for a long time that a change was needed, and with the new year and all, it felt like this was the time to make that change. This blog is dear to my heart and has introduced me to some of the most wonderful people on the blogosphere, but it is home no longer.

I know I’ve probably lost a lot of readers, given that I posted about three times total last year, but if any of you want to follow me on in my writing journey, you can find me at

I’ve adopted a pen name for a variety of reasons, chief among which is the fact that there are a surprising number of Emily Bateses in the world, one of whom has written a number of books about dogs, another who has written some steamy novels that I’d really rather not be associated with.

While rebranding at this point in the game is going to be a lot of work, it will be worth it in the end. I love you all dearly and hope to see you at my new bloggy home!


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